Visual Game Project Proposal-Beat Factory

For our visual gaming final project, our team which consists of I and Adam Fadhil are going to create a game that is targeted for individuals who are diagnosed with ADHD.

  • Game Title

Beat Factory

  • Introduction

Beat Factory is a rhythm game that uses both visual and audio cues to play. It consists of 3 levels of differing difficulty.

  • Game Genre

Rhythm game.

  • Game Objective

The game requires the player to match player input to the sound cues and visual cues given by the game. The game is won if the player reach the minimal score for each level.

  • Theme

The theme of the game will be industrial factory where we play as a worker in an assembly line of a robot.

  • Core Mechanic

Beat Matching or Audio Matching
The main screen of the game will feature a treadmill of an assembly line the player is responsible for. As the treadmill runs there will be a robot foot on the line that will approach 4 targets. Each of the targets correspond to a certain key which is used to finish the robot. The keys each key will provide the robot with its legs, body, and head. The final key is to power up the robot that requires the player to hold the button. The player will score points for each robot successfully assembled. Later stages will mix up the robot assembly process by providing a robot with only a missing head or body.

  • Mock Screen Shots


  • Target Market

People from age 8 and up.
People who can appreciate simple visual design.

Project Results

Our main back-end programmer have finalized the web site for our final project and have concluded that the bugs have been minimized.

This is the list of feature our group have implement to the website.

On the user side, we have created most e-commerce functionality which includes:

  • Account Registration

New users will now be able to register to the site in order to buy our site’s products. Users are required to have an account to be able to buy the products.

  • Login and Logout capability

Registered users can log in and out of the website should they have an account.

  • About us
  • The about us page is for the user to find the company profile.

  • Browse Product
  • Users can browse the company product. Users can browse all existing products all view them by category. Products can also be searched but only from the tags the products are associated with.

  • Product Details
  • Each product have their own detail list from the user to view.

  • Shopping Cart
  • Shopping cart is used to verify and edit what the user want to buy. This range from the amount of types the product they want to buy to the quantity of each product. They can also add or remove the product from the shopping cart.

  • Edit User Profile
  • Users have their own page to manage their files with.

    We also have admin functionality to the website which is not accessible to normal users:

  • Log in Page
  • Admin must have their own account to access the admin page as a mean for authentication. Though admin registration is not available and can only be done by manipulating the database.

  • Product Entry
  • Admins are able to add a product on their own discretion and specify its details, which include the brand, the price category, the picture and the tags associated with the brand.

  • Brand and Category Entry
  • No doubt the company would branch out and expand the brands and price range. Which is why the admin is able to insert new brands and create new price categories.

  • View and Delete Customer Account
  • Admin is able to view and delete user account, though the user’s personal information will not be listed.

    These are the features the website currently has. There are other functionality that have not been implemented such as payment method for the user end and order list for both the user and admin view.

    Group Roles:
    A. Rasyid Soedarmo, ID: 1701354750, Back End Programmer
    Harsa Diptanala, ID: 1701342952, Database Creator
    M. Harits Abiyyudo, ID: 1701354694, Front End Programmer

    The website is created with:
    CSS and HTML5(User Interface)
    PHP(Back-end )

    Here are the screenshots


    All Products

    Account not-signed in

    Shopping Cart empty

    Shopping Cart with products

    History of Batik

    Batik Lasem

    Company Profile

    Register Account

    Account Profile

    Edit Account

    Change Account Password

    Delete Account

    Admin Panel Login

    Admin Panel

    Insert Product

    View, Edit and Delete Products

    Insert Categories

    View, Edit and Delete Categories

    Insert Brands

    View, Edit and Delete Brands

    View and Delete Customer

    Side note: for some reason wordpress is not allowing me to upload images so some of the pictures may be broken

    We also have the commercial of the website